The latest additions to these lines draw inspiration from the inner workings of technology and urban grids as primary design cues, incorporating vibrant color pops and contrasts.
Empowered by ground-breaking technologies, these Scandinavian-designed floors are developed and manufactured in Europe, sourcing premium, quality wood from the forests of Croatia.
The three designs – Visage, Celine and Terre – are born out of her love for novelty, a fascination with human connection and a constant search for beauty.
While each of the three designs – Mira, Palmetto and Laurel – is bold and distinctive, an emphasis on handmade production techniques, all-natural fibers and an undeniable sense of Miami flair seamlessly ties this singular collection together.
These styles are influenced by the traditional kimono that integrates a variety of textiles and textures to create a single garb, in addition to the Kasuri technique that uses fibers specifically dyed to create unique patterns.