Haworth has launched Zody II and Zody LX – building on a legacy of research as the first and only chairs specifically designed for use with height-adjustable tables. First introduced 17 years ago, the Zody chair family offers an extensive breadth of possibilities, from traditional to progressive.
Zody II and Zody LX promote healthy movement and user control for every person in whatever posture they choose. The dual posture adjustment brings the seat to a perched height with a height-adjustable table, providing an option between sitting and standing. From a sit to a perch to a stool in one intuitive adjustment, Zody II and Zody LX support well-being in the workplace, home and anywhere work is done.
Zody II and Zody LX use premium materials, including aluminum trim options, digital knits and a range of upholstery options, including performance upholstery for health care applications. Zody II is offered in mesh and knit; Zody LX is fully upholstered. Zody II and Zody LX come with Haworth’s standard 12-year, 24/7 warranty up to 325 pounds, including parts and labor.
Zody is the most researched chair on the market and built with sustainability in mind. The chairs incorporate 20-plus years of seating research and billions of data points, including third-party research and data through university partnerships.
All Zody task chairs offer patented Pelvic and Asymmetrical Lumbar (PAL) and dual posture as options. The chairs are based on innovations such as pressure mapping, anthropometrics and new technologies. Zody is the first and only chair endorsed by the American Physical Therapy Association.