Minarc Elevates Seating Design with DROPi Hanging Chair

Our environment largely influences how we feel, and the ways in which it is outfitted can further impact our emotional and physical response to our surroundings. For Los Angeles-based design firm Minarc, the team prioritized curating a seating experience that could set a positive mood in perpetual motion: DROPi allows users to sway, gently swing, or simply float. A hand-crafted hanging chair, DROPi was designed by Minarc Founders Erla Dögg Ingjaldsdóttir and Tryggvi Thorsteinsson.

Made of a durable, high-functioning canvas material called Sunbrella, DROPi is a beautiful, comfortable seating solution for private offices, heads-down spaces, or collaborative areas in modern workplaces. Designed for indoor and outdoor use, DROPi is a commercial-grade swing and provides a welcome addition to terraces, porches, decks, patios, and balconies as well.

DROPi is available in a selection of bold colors including lemon (yellow), rain (blue), lava (red), licorice (black) and skyr (white). The metal and upholstered seat base are also available in matching colors to maintain a seamless aesthetic. With an incredibly intuitive installation process, facility managers can easily and safely secure the hanging hardware, made of powder-coated alloy, to ceilings and beams.