Mute revolutionizes office flexibility with OmniRoom: a modular, construction-free, room-in-room system

A new product from Mute offers a holistic way of shaping comfortable, construction-free office spaces for a new and dynamic world of work.

OmniRoom is a modular room-in-room system for building flexible, plug & play office spaces. The uniquely sophisticated solution from Mute facilitates the creation of adaptable spaces with limitless options for quick reconfiguration. OmniRoom is dedicated to architects, property owners, real estate advisors, and all companies searching for a comprehensive and sustainable solution for the challenges of today’s dynamic work environment. The product is available for sale from May 22, 2023.

"The world of work keeps changing rapidly, and so should offices. Today’s workspace fit-outs have to be agile to suit different working styles and adjust to team sizes and needs or even locations. OmniRoom is the ultimate kit for building new hybrid-work-era offices: dynamic, human-centered, and fully flexible." — Szymon Rychlik, Founder and Managing Director of Mute.

There are two ways of using OmniRoom. Users can choose from 100 fully equipped “Rooms” that Mute has predesigned - closed or semi-open areas and space dividers. These include spaces like workstations, lounge areas, coffee points, and conference rooms. All Rooms were developed by experienced architects and based on real floor plans. Users can also shape tailor-made constructions. The system of 13 prefabricated construction modules offers countless arrangement options. Each construction can be placed separately or combined with others into multifunctional hubs and easily customized. Rooms come fully equipped with integrated ventilation, lighting, and electricity. Closed Rooms are also equipped with sound-absorbing solutions.

Furthermore, assembly is a snap. To make getting set up with OmniRoom as quick and easy as possible, Mute invented and patented a brand-new assembly technology. The click-in system allows binding and disassembling modules freely with no tools. This makes assembling even the largest constructions simple and smooth - one square meter of OmniRoom can be built in 20 minutes by three people. When OmniRoom needs to be moved, it is easily dismantled, transported, and rebuilt in a new place thanks to its lightweight aluminum structure.

"Creating and rearranging an office should take hours or days, not weeks or months. And it shouldn't be more complicated than assembling Lego parts. With our original click-in technology, every rearrangement is simpler and cheaper, which should attract everyone, from landlords and building owners to companies and everyday users. There is no need to deal with multiple contractors or apply for building permits. The OmniRoom makes the office re-shapable and ready for any change the future brings." — Kamil Smolnik, Products & Services Director at Mute

OmniRoom also comes with a dedicated furniture set. The collection of wall-mounted furniture includes 30 elements, such as desks and tables, cabinets, shelves, and accessories. All furniture pieces were designed to efficiently use every inch of space and give the construction a coherent, stylish look. Every add-on can be hung on any place on the walls, inside or out.

Finally, OmniRoom blazes the trail for the green revolution in office design. The product is a perfect alternative to rigid, non-moveable plasterboard constructions that still are commonly used for designing offices.

“Put simply, OmniRoom means less waste, less material, reduced Co2 emissions, and infinitely more flexibility. Which is precisely what the blended world of work now requires. Not to mention, it's built of 100% recyclable aluminum." — Gary Helm, Founder & Director of obo, Mute's UK partner.