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A Novel Lounge Seating Inspired by the New Generation

NARBUTAS introduces the new lounge seating system SOFT ROCK, which represents the constant changes of office space and people that work there. The new generation of employees inspired the Danish design studio Strand+Hvass to create a collection, which adds more freedom and mobility to modern offices and forms a relaxing environment for both rest and work.

“From the very beginning, we tried to define the needs of the new generation. How and from what kind of places people choose to work. What we see now are the changes. Not only the desk but also soft seating in lounge areas becomes a workplace for employees. Thus, the demand for more casual, relaxed working spaces is increasing, with, at the same time, the need for constant motion,” say designers Niels Hvass and Christina Strand.

Based on the findings of Pew Research Center, already 2016 can be called a transitional year. That year marked the start of a generational shift in the workforce, and Generation Y became the largest generation in the labour force bringing along a change in the work environment with them. It was this generation that shaped the approach that an office, or a formal setting, must not restrict or otherwise affect the ability to work successfully from any place.

According to Simonas Savickas, Workplace Design Specialist at NARBUTAS, a casual environment creates a relaxed atmosphere, promotes more interaction and collaboration among people, boosts motivation levels.

“The traits exhibited by Millennials such as openness to discovering and trying new things, a sense of freedom and the ability to adapt quickly to changing situations are what have inspired us to create our new lounge seating collection. SOFT ROCK offers a fresh look to traditional office spaces,” says Simonas.

When designing SOFT ROCK, Christina Strand and Niels Hvass drew inspiration from nature: they observed the sea’s waves washing over rock and stones on the shore, and rendering those rocks and stones’ shapes softer and smoother. Therefore, the synergy between rounded shapes and straight lines creates a unique, eye-catching yet simple design. The distinctive yet laconic silhouette is what makes SOFT ROCK stand out from other soft seating furniture.

The novel lounge seaters blend subtly into all kinds of lounge or work spaces for both public and private use and help to create a welcoming, safe and calm atmosphere for relaxation, informal meetings, collaborative or individual tasks.